2018 is a year for change in IT Security

2018 is a year for change in IT Security

IT Security is referred to as protection of devices, programs, networks and data from damage, attack or unauthorised

Introduction to IT Security

IT Security also known as cybersecurity is referred to as protection of devices, programs, networks and data from damage, attack or unauthorised access. The year 2018 has seen an inflection point in terms of IT security. A new model of IT security has taken shape which is more comprehensive with network operations and has offered greater value to trade-offs and enterprises.

Few security trends have evolved this year, and enterprises that are keeping pace with the evolving threats can adequately protect and manage their data from malicious attacks.

  • Prioritise Cloud Security: The cloud acts as a backbone in today’s IT security management. A huge percentage of revenue is being spent on cloud computing. Yet some enterprises have users whose accounts have been attacked. IT teams are trying their best to deliver highly effective security methods in this dynamically changing and on-demand environment. Satisfying compliance requirements has overtaken migrating and deploying applications as top-notch public cloud priorities in 2018.
  • Cybercrime economy is flourishing: So far 2018 is the year of crypto- jacking: that is unauthorised use of someone else’s computer to mine cryptocurrency. Cybercriminals get a high-profit return with crypto-jacking which is stealthier than ransomware ( a security trend seen in 2017). With such robust strategy, organisations can become the next victim of cryptojacking.
  • New Authentication tools: Organisations are implementing new methods of authentication – ranging from fingerprints to facial recognition. However, these technologies are still vulnerable to attacks , so a 2-factor authentication has been introduced to combat the assault on biometrics and passwords. Two-factor authentication is a 2 step authentication procedure which involves a personal security question (e.g. Name of your first school) other than the password. With increasing consumer demand for multiple security layers, we can expect to see the implementation of behavioural biometrics.
  • Insider attacks shouldn’t be ignored: In 2017, organisations underinvested in proactive insider risk mitigation procedures, and 2018 will be the same. With Absence of technical controls and security training, the full extent of cyber attacks caused by insiders won’t turn out to be completely open. Numerous organisations will continue to react to incidents and stay ignorant of the substantial expense and effect of insider risk to the enterprise.

Keeping these and many more emerging security trends in mind, organisation’s can prevent the risks associated with IT security and hence prevent their cyber attacks.

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About Jason Hoffman

I am the Director of Sales and Marketing at Wisdomplexus, capturing market share with E-mail marketing, Blogs and Social media promotion. I spend major part of my day geeking out on all the latest technology trends like artificial intelligence, machine learning, deep learning, cloud computing, 5G and many more. You can read my opinion in regards to these technologies via blogs on our website.